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How Does Membership Work

For our pizza lunch orders (which are for members only) do we need to check off the box that says this item is for directory or membership? I'm not 100% certain what this feature is for. We are set to begin our orders on Tuesday, August 13 so please get back to me ASAP.

Kristen Santoro

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Message Log (most current on top)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

     8:39 AM
Thanks for clarifying mike. I think we are ok now

Sent from my iPhone

     7:51 AM
Michael Kerin
Hi Kristen.

In MANAGE PTO SETTINGS of the website builder you have 'Ordering Requires Membership" turned on. This means two things:

1. Parents will have to purchase membership before they will be allowed to purchase anything else
2. Parents that purchase membership will be flagged as members, parents that do not purchase membership will not be flagged as members.

In order for #2 to work you need a membership item for sale. You make an item for sale a membership item by checking the box that says "This item is for sale is for your directory or membership". When parents pay for this item the system will mark them as members. If they do not purchase it they will not be marked as a member.

It is the membership dues that you want to flag as the membership item, not the pizza.

Mike, Support


Paperless PTO Help Desk v6.0.3.0