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What does "Prepared" mean?


Order Number:725573
Order Date:10/04/202103:24:03 PM EST
Order Status:Prepared

Does this mean she wants to send in a check or cash?



Message Log (most current on top)

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

     2:32 PM
Michael Kerin
Hi Ena,

When a visitor adds items to their cart and then checks out, an order is created and it has the status of Unprocessed. When they click on the method of payment and land on the page where they enter their payment information the status changes to Prepared. When they submit their payment information the status changes to Submitted. At this point the payment is going though the banking network. When it returns to our system the status will change to Paid if it is successful or it will change to Error if not successful.

Orders that are not paid for will eventually change to Cancelled when any item for sale in the order expires. This is to prevent orders from being placed after a sale closes.

Orders can also have a status of Voided. If a request comes in from someone that made a mistake, it can be voided on the day it was paid for.

Orders can also be refunded. In this case a refund order will have a status of Refund Requested. Once it is submitted and processed the status will change to Refund Issued.

Let me know if this makes sense.

Mike, Support


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