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New Closter PTO Lunch Report

Hi Mike,

It's Nancy Reilly. I'm helping out with the lunch reports, reformatting the report downloaded, coming up with new reports...etc.etc.

But I was wondering if you can whip up a report:

By date selection, by school and days, (what we already have currently - so keep that) but format the report as following

Hillside Monday Lunches

Grade and Teacher

Student - Item Ordered - Form of payment - Reference Number - Order Date
Student - Item Ordered- " "" "

Grade and Teacher


If this is not easily done to be put on the system, I will take just a download file if possible. This would save us couple of days of

Please let me know asap.
Thanks so so much.


Message Log (most current on top)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

     10:54 AM
Michael Kerin
A file has been created for Nancy. When she finished her work we will try to reproduce her report with a single click on one button.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

     1:28 PM
Michael Kerin
It's not quite the same.

The order summary -when you select the Monday,

shows by items, and once you click on the item, shows the member's name, not the students' name.

Can you simply give me a data dump or a file of the following:

Hillside Monday Lunch, Grade, Teacher, Student, Item ordered, Order number, Form of Payment, Reference #, Order Date
     1:28 PM
Michael Kerin
try the order summary report


Paperless PTO Help Desk v6.0.3.0