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Northern Valley Help

When I check our membership everyone is still there even when I press “only paid members”.

We cannot start collecting new memberships if the old is still there.

Also, I need to change the price of the membership from 30 to 35 but I don’t know how to do that.



Message Log (most current on top)

Monday, July 7, 2014

     10:06 AM
Michael Kerin
Hi Anna,

Your membership list now shows teacher accounts only. They are not refreshed during the year end reset procedure.

Mike, Support

Saturday, July 5, 2014

     2:16 PM

When I pull up the membership list everyone is gone but when I click on "Show only those who have paid for membership" everyone shows up.


> From:
> Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2014 18:55:57 -0400
> Subject: #Ticket#23610: Hi Anna, The year end update has run for NVOT. As a result the members list has been refreshed. ...
> Greetings from the Paperless PTO / Paperless PTO Help Desk. This is the latest on the incident we are handling for you:
> Hi Anna,
> The year end update has run for NVOT. As a result the members list has been refreshed. The paid members only show teachers now as their membership is not reset. If you need it to be let me know.
> I have altered a membership item for sale for you and it is now set at $35. You may want to update the narrative so that everyone knows what they are purchasing.
> If you need help with any tasks, try the user guide which is under the HELP menu. If that doesn't help, we are here.
> Mike,
> Support
> This was done by Michael Kerin
> ---
> TICKET SUBJECT: Northern Valley Help
> When I check our membership everyone is still there even when I press “only paid members”.
> We cannot start collecting new memberships if the old is still there.
> Also, I need to change the price of the membership from 30 to 35 but I don’t know how to do that.
> Thanks,
> Anna
> TICKET CATEGORY: Paperless PTO / Paperless PTO
> ---
> NOTE: When replying to this email please leave the subject-line intact.


Friday, July 4, 2014

     6:55 PM
Michael Kerin
Hi Anna,

The year end update has run for NVOT. As a result the members list has been refreshed. The paid members only show teachers now as their membership is not reset. If you need it to be let me know.

I have altered a membership item for sale for you and it is now set at $35. You may want to update the narrative so that everyone knows what they are purchasing.

If you need help with any tasks, try the user guide which is under the HELP menu. If that doesn't help, we are here.

Mike, Support


Paperless PTO Help Desk v6.0.3.0