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GES Update

Hi Mike,
I was on the paperless PTO and was wondering how to update aperson. Katie Satkowski was at GES last year only. Now she is at RMS as well.She pit in her childs teacher but automatically logs into GES. How can she getto the RMS website. She logs in on that one but it boots her right to the GESone. Help!!!!


Message Log (most current on top)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

     9:19 PM
Michael Kerin
Hi Sharon,

Katie has adminstrative privileges for Gainfield. With this she can perform updates to the features that pertain to Gainfield. She is also a parent of a Gainfield student. So now she can purchase items from Gainfield, volunteer for Gainfield committees and perform adminstrative tasks for Gainfield.

Co-incidently, she is a parent of a student at Rochambeau but not an adminstrator for Rochambeau. As a result she will be able to purchase Rochambeau items and volunteer for Rochambeau committees, however, she will not be able to adminster these functions for Rochambeau.

The system has been built so that parents can use a single account to manage their students and activities wih a single login if they have students in more than one school in Region 15. The one drawback is that if a parent wants adminstrative privileges at more than one school, they will need separate accounts to perform those duties at each school.

Let me know if this does or does not clear it up for you.

Mike, Support


Paperless PTO Help Desk v6.0.3.0